

Inclusive Illinois: one campus, many voices is about the campus community -- faculty, staff, and students -- valuing and respecting the many voices, ideas, and perspectives we each bring to Illinois. It is about creating, building, and sustaining spaces, places, and environments that are welcoming, inclusive, and affirming, whether in the classroom, the office, the lab, or the athletic field. It is about building communities, relationships, and friendships that cross the traditional boundaries of identities. It is about crossing the invisible borders, boundaries, and walls that create separate communities. These can be boundaries based on academic interests, majors, hobbies, and fields of specialty. They can also be based on values, beliefs, lifestyles, and life experiences. They can even be based on identities, such as religion, ability, race, ethnicity, national origin, Veteran Status, and sexual orientation.

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View the Chancellor's message.


  • Campus Safety Notice
  • Response to Recent Social Media
  • Student Vigil on Campus Climate
  • Response to Recent Social Media and Student Vigil

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